The Party Garden

{{ copy.detail.summerbarin }} Torhout (Roeselaarseweg 75)

Sfeerbeeld The Party Garden

On June 15, Lorenzo Charle opens the pop-up summer bar 'The Party Garden' of the Place2Party discotheque on the parking lot of the store. "It will look like an overgrown junkyard", says the organisor.
Lorenzo Charle, the face of the discotheque on the border of Lichtervelde and Torhout, sees it big.
"Everywhere there is artificial grass with here and there perhaps a dash of sand. Furthermore, let us of course palm trees and lounge seats. We provide a shallow pool centrally and the site is closed off with decorated containers, "explains Lorenzo.
"In terms of decoration, we are also going to unpack some recycled car wrecks. So here we have an old mobile home where we can certainly start with some beautiful things. In addition, we have already lost our eye on the cabin of such a typical American truck. The overall picture will be a bit like an overgrown junkyard. "

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