De Kruitfabriek

{{ copy.detail.summerbarin }} Vilvoorde (Steenkaai 44D)

Sfeerbeeld De Kruitfabriek

The Kruitfabriek is a place where everyone is welcome and where there is always something going on.

The old gunpowder factory is now temporarily serving as a kind of culturally inspired shelter. Artists find a studio, music groups a rehearsal room and individuals a (sometimes ...) quiet place where there is always something going on! The MADtiger bar with terrace, De Kruittuin, expo's, lectures, concerts, parties, markets, ... You can not think of it as crazy or it can be in De Kruitfabriek!

Come and enjoy the music of our guest DJs, taste a home-made cocktail or one of the delicious dishes from Tom Van Mulders, stretch the legs on the dance floor, ... while the kids enjoy playing the sun in the garden.

Open on Thursday and Friday from 1 pm to 11 pm and on Sunday from 1 pm to 7 pm.

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